UNIMAID Student, Saleem Attacks 21-year-old Hauwa For Rejecting His Love Proposal

Saleem Ibrahim, a Student of the Department of Bio Chemistry in the University of Maiduguri reportedly brutalize his love interest, Hauwa Abatcha Ngala, a Student of College of Nursing Sciences in Maiduguri.

It was gathered that Saleem had coerced Hauwa into loving him for a while now. Hauwa was not entirely persuaded by his advances. It is said that she tried to persuade him throughout that she had no affections or emotions for him because she was in love.

As a result, he allegedly tried his hardest to get her to love him despite all of his tricks and shenanigans, and she did her best to resist him before politely splitting ways.

His attitudes toward her became more deadly and menacing the more she attempted to break free from his more entangling tricks intended to win her affection.

Hauwa insisted that she doesn’t love Saleem and that she couldn’t possibly have the slightest amount of affection for him in her naive and incredibly pure heart.

It was said that her feelings for him contrasted dramatically and violently with his claimed ongoing threat to cause her great suffering or perhaps death if she did not love him.

He reportedly told her point-blank that she either loved him or she suffered the most-gruesome consequences. “I can even kill you, and nothing will happen”, he reportedly warned her.

This situation reportedly plunged Hauwa into severe emotional anguish. She languished under the increasing weight of this anguish up to Monday, February 26, 2024.

On that fateful Monday, around 8:30 p.m., Saleem Ibrahim allegedly violently physically assaulted Hauwa Abatcha Ngala, hitting her hard twice with a club until she fainted, for her refusal to love him. The club had cracked her head to the point of profuse bleeding.

Out of the love he seemed to have for her, he apparently eloped, leaving her at the mercy of her family, who, God knows, saved her life, rather than taking any feasible action to save her life.

On the same night, the family, having seen her alive, went to the police to report the event. She was taken to the hospital by the police, where she received emergency care.

As a result, Saleem Ibrahim was detained by the JTF civilian volunteers that evening and turned over to the police at the Gomari Division Office.

But three days after the event and his imprisonment, on Friday, March 1, 2024, the police are said to have freed Saleem owing to the involvement of some politicians, without doing anything to indicate that the legal process was being followed.

After Saleem was freed from custody by the police, he contacted Hauwa privately on Facebook Messenger, stating, “I’m not the type that makes empty threats, anything I decide to do I will do it and nothing will happen. I swear with Allah, it is only the poor you can mess with and go scot free but not a person from an influential background like Saleem. It is only the poor that don’t possess worldly things that you can succeed to win a case with. If you mess up and succeed with others, I swear with Almighty God you will never succeed because we have the Money, the Security Agencies, Politicians, and Government Officials on our side. But you can only boast of telling your brother. I dire you to continue the case and let’s see who has the monopoly of influence.”

Frustrated with the police’s response, the relatives apparently filed a second complaint on Saturday, March 2, 2024, at the Borno State Police Command Headquarters in Maiduguri. They were particularly enraged by the young man’s alleged threat to kill her and the fact that nothing would happen because he is the son of powerful people.

Saleem was subsequently detained by the police for a week after being arrested again, but he was supposedly freed once more after the family was informed by the police that the Borno State Secretary to the Government, Hon. Bukar Tijjani, had ordered his release and that the case would be dropped as a result, with no charges brought against him for causing the victim severe physical and psychological suffering.

Suddenly Hauwa’s family members allegedly saw Saleem walking the streets of Maiduguri freely, just like any other law-abiding man, rather than frozen in police detention awaiting trial.

Hauwa’s family, who is allegedly extremely resentful, apparently lodged a new complaint on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at the Borno State Police Commissioners Office (CP, Yusuf Lawan), requesting justice in the matter.

As a result, Saleem Ibrahim was purportedly detained by the police once more. The victim was invited and her complaint was taken by the police this time. Subsequently, the police produced a case report and dispatched it to the Borno State Ministry of Justice.

Even though Saleem is said to have admitted to the incident and his threat to murder the woman, no one has gotten in touch with her or her family up until this point.

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